I've been buying vintage tea cups and saucers as and when i see them in charity shops, car boots and antique shops and now i'm ready to make 1 element of the table centres - tea cup candles. I thought the idea was mine and inspired by the whole alice/tea party theme and vintage floral patterns in the fabrics i want and also by an episode of
Kirstie's homemade home but it seems i must have already seen it somewhere coz there's a few mentions of them out there on the world wide web.
Here for example

this one pictured is one you can buy ready made (and therefore no fun at all lol!) for a staggering £22!!! click pic for link.
i have 8 teacups and saucers all similar to this and mismatched and none cost me more than £2 and some cost 50p! the ingredients to make the candle work out about £1 a cup. Hardly worth the retail value of £22! Cant wait to get started - i've sourced an online company for the candle making supplies but i want to ring around a few local places tomorrow to see if they have anything. I'd rather support local businesses if i can plus then i can avoid the delivery charge lol!