Tuesday 3 February 2009

Posh Frocks

The big debate about whether or not to spend on chair covers continues. Neither of us were sure but I think we are both coming around to the idea. Its a big expense but I really think we have to do it, nasty old red velvet seats will simply not cut it. We have found a company at a wedding show at the weekend that do stretch covers that can literally be thrown in a box and then stretched over the chairs so much easier than worrying about usual ones you get that would have to be ironed after the long journey. This would cost about £225 a rather large chunk of the budget I know. I have been browsing ebay to see if there is anything wedding related to buy but there was nothing
interesting. Although I did see some chair covers for hire at £1 each not stretch ones though.
In related news I posted the STDs today for bargain price of £11 hurrah.

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