Monday 10 November 2008

In the Pink

Hurrah we have actually begun! Last night we invited round In The Pink Photography who are very local to us and specialise in CPs. I'm sure I have mentioned them before on here, I love their photos so much, Ev the photographer has a great eye and loves to take quirky pics, just take a look. Munch has sorted out monthly payments so hurrah we are good to go.
Munch has also sorted out the monthly payments to Plas Newydd and we can do our own champagne which is just brilliant. So well done munch! The two most important aspects of the day are sorted.


Munch said...

and i've spoken to the tourist info and have found a manor house with 6 cottages for the reception! only downside is it costs more than the entire budget! need to put our thinking caps on!

Munch said...

i'm thinking i'll phone them again tomorrow and find out about 3 bed cottages with big gardens in a location with other acomodation nearby. and when we send the save the date cards we'll send them the various accom options and details with instructions to book by a certain date.